Wind Energy

Offshore wind power, also known as offshore wind energy, refers to the extraction of energy from the force of winds in the open sea. This energy is then converted into electricity and supplied to onshore electricity networks. Using wind turbines, kinetic energy from the wind is harnessed and transformed into power. A generator is employed to further convert this mechanical power into electricity, which can then be used to power homes and businesses.

It is important to note that the environment in which wind turbines and monopiles are located is highly corrosive. Therefore, regular corrosion and coating surveys are conducted to ensure their integrity. Access to the wind turbines is typically gained via boat, as there are no helidecks available. Coating surveys are usually carried out by qualified rope access personnel.

The wind turbines are connected to various structures, such as floating platforms, fixed jackets, and monopiles. The power generated by the turbines is then transmitted to an offshore substation for further distribution.

Coatings Radar - Wind Energy

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