Download Coatings Radar Handbook
Coatings Radar handbook provides a comprehensive overview of current version of the App and its features.
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Get Coatings Radar App
Getting the Coatings Radar App is straightforward. Simply go to the Apple App store and search for Coatings Radar.
The Coatings Radar App can be used on an iPhone or iPad.
To gain access to the Coatings Radar App you will need to successfully completed the Coating Surveyors Course with the Corrodere Academy,
The Coating Surveyors course is endorsed by the Institute of Corrosion and accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry and Lloyds Register.
Course Content
- Estimation of Percentages
- European Scale of Degree of Rusting of Anticorrosive Paints
- Common Defects
- Marine Fouling
- Dry Film Thickness Surveys
- Passive Fire Protection
- Adhesion Testing
- Holiday Detection
- Sampling Techniques
- Standard Test Methods, Field Tests and Laboratory Analysis
- Photography, Documentation and Reporting
- Paint Testing, Paint Constituents and Paint Chemistry
The training course is online and the student must complete a formal examination to achieve this prestigious qualification.