Cargo Tanks (Chemical and Product Tankers)

Cargo tanks are utilised for transporting liquids and gases in large quantities. Certain cargoes can be corrosive to the tank lining and often result in coating deterioration, including blistering, detachment, rusting, and cracking. Additionally, some cargoes can cause staining on the tank lining.

To prevent these issues, cargo tanks are typically prepared and coated with high-performance coatings such as zinc silicates, epoxy, and phenolic coatings. Some of these coatings require post-curing to ensure the best possible performance.

To aid in the evaluation of the coatings in cargo tanks, the Coatings Radar App has been developed.

This app ensures that a consistent and accurate assessment of the coating condition can be conducted based on industry and international standards. Furthermore, a 3D interactive evaluation feature has been implemented to enhance the assessment process.
